Vincenzo Maria CORONELLI / Jean-Baptist NOLIN
Scarce broadsheet map of Scotland, first published in 1689, with a dedication to James, son and heir of James II, King of England and Scotland. Following the death of James II, the dedication was changed to read “… JACQUES III …”

However, the list of Kings and Queens of England shows no James III as ruling this country. British audiences knows “James III” better as James Francis Stuart, the “Old Pretender” (1688-1766). While the “Glorious Revolution” of 1688 saw James II deposed in favor of William of Orange and his wife Mary Stuart, the French supported the deposed King, and recognized his heir as lawful king although by 1708 it had become clear that the Jacobite succession was but an impossibility, although it took failed uprisings in 1715, 1719 and the ’45 to end the dream.