Welcome to the first issue of MapForum.Com
This is a new magazine intended to promote interest in & study of old maps, catering for the novice and the experienced collector by providing articles at all levels of interest and expertise.
Principal features will be:
- Check-lists: a scheme pioneered successfully by the late R.V. Tooley, as “The Map Collectors’ Circle Series”, commenced in the mid-1960s, which eventually comprised 110 parts. From this series come some of the standard reference books in use today, including Tooley’s Dictionary Of Mapmakers.
- Collations: Each month will have the collation of at least one book or atlas. Particular emphasis will be given to early atlases, or composite atlases (atlases factice) which are not assembled to a uniform pattern.
- Cartographical Curiosities & Items of Ephemera.
- Map Libraries: Starting with Issue 2, it is intended to start a series of articles on principal map collections, commencing with the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
- Dealer’s Profiles: to introduce the individual dealers that advertise in this magazine.
- Reader’s Services: a identification & biographical dictionary service
- Handbook: On-going file of useful information, guide to reference materials and so on.
- Reviews of new books relating to Historical Cartography
- Dealer’s listing & Catalogues received

By arranging the Journal under pre-set headings the various part-works will build up into a valuable reference tool.
Unless otherwise stated the photographs used are copyright of the Editor.
The Editors welcome correspondence on any subject relating to the history of cartography, or to the contents, format and design of this magazine, especially suggestions for improvements and future contents. All letters received will be deemed to be for publication, and should include the writer’s full mailing address (and e-mail address as appropriate) although only an abbreviated form will be published.
To ensure that you receive updates about the magazine please fill in our on-line form.
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- This site is best viewed on a PC with a screen resolution of 800 x 600.
- All adverts set in the articles are links to a pop-up page dedicated to that advertiser, where their contact details can be found. Watch for the “hand” cursor and link colours.
- Most small images are links to larger images, which appear in pop-up windows. Again, watch for the “hand” cursor and link colours.
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Please contact us at [email protected] if you have technical difficulties.