
The 1522 Strasbourg Edition of Ptolemy’s Geographia
This reduced version follows the arrangement of Waldseemuller’s edition, with the maps divided into two sections: the Ptolemaic maps, with the world map at the end, and then the series of modern maps. The Ptolemaic corpus is standard. The modern section is copied, on a reduced format, from the maps prepared by Waldseemuller for the 1513 Strasbourg Ptolemy, and accordingly contains the new maps of the North America and the West Indies, Lorraine, Switzerland, Crete, North Africa, Southern Africa, Southern Asia and the World.
To that group, Fries has added three maps: South East Asia and the East Indies, China and Japan, and a navigational map of the World. The two former are the first separate printed maps of the regions they depict.
Waldseemuller’s edition has been termed “the first modern atlas, because the 20 new maps show all parts of the world based on contemporary knowledge” (1). While one might disagree with that conclusion, as the context and arrangement of the volume remains Ptolemaic in concept, the section of new maps proved very influential.
Through the large folio editions of 1513 and 1520, and this smaller version, Waldseemuller’s work received wide distribution, and influenced and encouraged a new generation of mapmakers, including Sebastian Munster and Giacomo Gastaldi.
Mireille Pastoureau, Les Atlas Français XVIe. – XVIIe. Siècles (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1984), Ptolémée, C.
CLAVDII PTOLEMAEI / [double rule] / ALEXANDRINI Mathematicor[um] principis. opus Geographie / nouiter castigatu[m] & emaculatu[m] additio[n]ibus, raris et inuisis, necnon / cu[m] tabularum in dorso iucunda explanatione. Registro quoq[ue] totius / operis. tam Geographico. q[uam] etia[m] historiali, facillimu[m] introitu[m] prebe[n]ti. / [rule] / ORDO CONTENTO / [rule] / RVM IN HOC LIBRO TOTALI. / OCTO libri Geographie ipsius Autoris adantiquitate suam in= / tegri & sine vlla corruptio[n]e. cum collatione dictionu[m] grecaru[m] e regio[n]e / ad latinas. certissima graduu[m] calculatio[n]e examinati. / REGISTRVM Item alphabeticu[m] omniu[m] regionu[m] prefecturaru[m] / ciuitatu[m]. Fluuio. mariu[m]. lacuu[m]. portuu[m]. Siluar[um]. oppidor[um]. villar[um]. gen / tiu[m] & historiaru[m], singula certissimo indice monstrans. / POST hoc Sequu[n]tur tabule. quar[um] nu[m]ero. xxvij. eru[n]t. Prima fcz / Generale[m] orbis descriptione[m] tradens iuxta mente[m] Ptolemei. Europe / post hic tabula. &. Aphrice. iiij. asie xii. et vna corpor sperici inpla[n]o. / HAS succedu[n]t neotericor[um] perlustratio[n]es. ea que abantiqs. emissa / xx. tabulis ad implentes. Et in haru[m] omnium. ta[m] vetustior[um] q[ue] recen= / tior[um] tergis exposito[n]es vni lateri. alteri vero lucabratio[n]es iucu[n]dissime / rituu[m], easda[m] plagas in habitantiu[m] (cu[m] variis mirabili mu[n]di) incu[n]bu[n]t. / TANDEM breuis sub oritur doctrina. ignora[n]tibus viam pre / bens fructu[m] auscultandi Geographicu[m], Que huc vsq[ue] multis in= / cognita, & sepulta de lituit Gaudeat igit[ur] Lector optimus. / HEC bona mente Laure[n]tius Phrisius artis Appolline[a]e doctor & / mathematicar[um] artium clientulus. in lucem iussit prodire. / Agammemnonis puteoli plurimu[m] d[e]dicati: | [Colophon] IOANNES Grieninger civis Argentoraten[sis] / opera et expensis proprijs id opus insigne, [a]ereis / notulis excepit, Laudabili[que] fine perfecit xii. die / Marcij Anno. M D. XXII. | |
1 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .I. EVROPAE. / [rule] / PRIMA Europe / tabula continet / Britannicas in= / sulas [Greek] / [Greek] cum insu / lis adiacentibus / Parallelus …’ [ornate woodblock surround] | TABV // LA .I // EVRO. // [2 cloverleafs] [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 293 x 415 with title: 331 x 438 |
2 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .II. EVROPAE. / [rule] / SECVNDA Europe tabu= / la co[n]tinet Ispa / niam [Greek word] / totam in tres p[ro]uincis para= / titam: / cum in / sulis sibi ad ia / centibus. / Parallelus …’ | TABV // LA .II. // . EVRO // PAE. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border. widest: 309 x 453 with title: 351 x 452 |
3 | ‘ [rule] / TABVLA .III. EVROPAE. / [rule] / TERTIA Euro / pæ tabula co[n]ti= / net gallias [Greek] / [Greek] in quattu / or p[ro]uincijs cu[m] / insulis sibi adia / centibus. / Medius ipsaru[m] parallelus proportione[m] habet ad me= / ridianum …’ | TABV // LA .III. // EVRO . // [2 cloverleafs] [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 312 x 380 with title: 351 x 465 |
4 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .IIII. EVROPAE. / [rule] / QVARTA Eu= / ropæ tabula co[n] / tinet Germani= / am [Greek]. / cum insulis si= / bi adiacentibus / Medius ipsius / parallelus pro= / portionem …’ | TABV // .IIII. // EVROP. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 307 x 321 with title: 331 x 368 |
5 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .V. EVROPAE. / [rule] / QVINTA Eu= / ropæ tabula co[n] / plectitur Rhæ / tiam [Greek]. & / Vindelicia[m] [Greek] / [Greek] ac no / ricum [Greek]. / duasq Panno / nias [Greek] & totam Illyribde[m] / [Greek] …’ | TABV= // LA .V. EVROP. // T // . P R E . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 295 x 461 with title: 328 x 527 |
6 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .VI. EVROPAE. / [rule] / SEXTA Euro= / pæ tabula con / tinet Italia[m] [Greek / Greek]. et Cyrnu[m] / [Greek] insula[m]: / cum insulis si / bi adiace[n]tib’: / Parallelus ip= / sius …’ | . TABV= // LA .VI. // EVROP. // T . // P R E. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 243 x 392 with title: 280 x 433 |
7 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .VII. EVROPAE. / [rule] / SEPTIMA eu / rope tabula co[n] / tinet Sardinia[m] / [Greek] & Sici / liam [Greek] / i[n] / sulas. / Parallelus ipsi= / us …’ | TABV= // LA VII. // EVROP. // T // . P R E . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 264 x 440 with title: 299 x 499 |
8 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .VIII. EVROP. / [rule] / OCTAVA Eu= / ropæ tabula co[n] / tinet Sarmatia[m] / q[ue] in ea est [Greek] / [Greek] / Greek] & Thau= / ricam Cherso= / nesum [Greek] / [Greek]. / Parallelus …’ | TABV= // LA VIII. // EVROP // T // . P R E . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 291 x 470 with title: 334 x 470 |
9 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .IX. EVROPAE. / [rule] / NONA Europe / tabula continet / Iazyges Meta= / nastas [Greek] / [Greek]. / Daciam [Greek / Greek ] vtranq My / siam …’ | [cloverleaf] // TABV // LA .IX. // EVRO. // . [cloverleaf]. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 300 x 467 with title: 335 x 507 |
10 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .X. EVOPAE. / [rule] / IN QVA ET FINIS IPSIVS / DECIMA & vl- / tima tabula eu- / ropæ continet / Macedoniam. / [Greek word] / & Epirum …’ | TABV // LA . X . // EVRO. // . [two cloverleafs] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 330 x 451 with title: 362 x 516 |
11 | ‘INCIPIVNT APHRICAE TABVLAE QVATTVOR / regiones .12. ciuitates . 42 / CAP. IIII. / [rule] / TABVLA .I. APHRICAE. / [rule] / PRIMA Aphric= / ce tabula conti= / net ambas Mau / ritanias …’ | TABV= // LA .I. AFFRI . // T N // . P R E . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 280 x 441 with title: 333 x 477 |
12 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .II. APHRICE. / [rule] / SECVNDA / Aphrice tabu / la continet Af / fricam [Greek / word] & insulas / quæ circa ipsa[m] / sunt. / Parallelus ipsi / us …’ | TABV // LA .II. // AFFRI. // [2 cloverleafs] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 285 x 462 with title: 319 x 520 |
13 | ‘[rule] / TABV .III. APHRICAE . / [rule] / CYRENAICAE ET AEGYPTI. / TERTIA Aphri / cæ tabula co[n]ti= / net Cyrenaicam / [Greek], et e= / giptu[m] [Greek word] / cum adiacenti= / bus insulis. / Parallelus ipsi= / us …’ | TABV // LA .III. // AFFRI. // [2 cloverleafs] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 298 x 465 with title: 335 x 527 |
14 | ‘[rule] / TABV . IIII. APHRICAE. / [rule] / QVARTA ET / ultimas Aphri= / cæ tabula conti / net interiore[m] Li / byam …’ | TABV // LA . IIII. // AFFRI. // [2 cloverleafs] [2a, ob – 4a, ob] Border, widest: 293 x 441 with title: 331 x 468 |
15 | ‘ASIAE MAIORIS TABVLAE .XII. REGI= / ones. 44. & ciuitates. 190. CAP. V. / [rule] / TABVLA .I. ASIAE. / [rule] / PRIMA Asiæ ta= / bula co[n]tinet po[n] / tum [Greek] & / Bithyniam [Greek / word] & quæ pro / priæ Asiæ dici= / tur …’ | TABV // LA .I. // ASIAE. // [2 cloverleafs] [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 293 x 455 with title: 333 x 518 |
16 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .II. ASIAE. / [rule] / SECVNDA Asie tabula co[n] / tinet Sarmati / am ipsius, pa= / rallelus ipsius medi’ propor / tionem habet / ad meridianu[m] / quam septem ad duodedcim. Termi= / natur autem …’ | TABVLA II. // ASIAE. // [2 cloverleafs] [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 305 x 380 with title: 348 x 427 |
17 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA III. ASIAE. / [rule] / TERTIA Asiæ / tabula continet / Cholcidem [Greek / word] / Iberiam [Greek word] / Albaniam …’ | TABV // LA III. // ASIAE. // [2 cloverleafs]Border, widest: 305 x 373 with title: 335 x 418 |
18 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .IIII. ASIAE. / [rule] / QVARTA asiæ / tabula continet / Cypru[m] [Greek] / & Syriam [Greek= / word] & Iudea[m] [Greek / word] …’ | . [cloverleaf] . // TABV / LA .IIII. // ASIAE // . [cloverleaf] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 317 x 457 with title: 353 x 511 |
* | [text above] / TABVLA .IIII. ASIE ./ [double rule] / HAEC TABVLA SYriam cum su= / is adiacentibus vt alio latere tactu[m] est, / heca | [Untitled Map Of ‘IVDEA’ and ‘MESOPOTA[M]IA’]Border: 104 x 142 Printed on the reverse of map 18 |
19 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .V. ASIAE. / [rule] / QVINTA Asiæ / tab. co[n]tinet Assy / ria[m] [Greek word] Su / sianum [Greek / word] …’ | QVINTA ASIE // TABVLA. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 370 x 542 with title: 386 x – Printed from Waldseemuller’s 1513/1520 block; |
20 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .VI. ASIAE. / [rule] / SEXTA Asiæ / tabula co[n]tinet / Arabiam foe= / licem [Greek / word] …’ | TABV // LA .VI. // ASIAE. // [2 cloverleafs] [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 275 x 438 with title: 309 x 501 |
21 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .VII. ASIAE. [cloverleaf] / [rule] / SEPTIMA asie / tabula continet / Hyrcania[m] [Greek / word] Margiana[m] / [Greek word] Ba= / ctrianam …’ | TABV // LA .VII. // ASIAE. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 283 x 454 with title: 319 x 483 |
22 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .VIII. ASIAE. / [rule] / OCTAVA asiæ / tabula continet / Scythiam vltra / Imaum monte[m] / [Greek word] …’ | TABV. // VIII. // ASIAE. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 305 x 361 with title: 335 x 418 |
23 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .IX. ASIAE. [cloverleaf] / [rule] / NONA Asie ta= / bula co[n]tinet ari / am [Greek word], et pa / ropanisadas [Greek / word] …’ | TABV // [cloverleaf] .IX. // ASIAE. // . [cloverleaf] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 302 x 282 with title: 340 x 432 |
* | [text above] ‘[rule] / [cloverleaf] TABVLA .IX. ASIAE. [cloverleaf] / [rule] / IN HAC tabula pauca sunt mirabilia, in autentios scripturis re / pta, … | [Untitled Map Of The Region Betwen The ‘INDVS FLVVIVS’ And ‘Ganges fluui”]Border: 105 x 141 |
24 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .X. ASIAE. [cloverleaf] / [rule] / DECIMA Asie / tabula continet / India[m] intra Ga[n] / ge[m] fluuiu[m] [ Greek / words]…’ | TABV= // LA .X. // ASIAE. // T // . P R E. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 295 x 481 with title: 342 x 488 |
25 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA .XI. ASIAE. / [rule] / VNDECIMA / Asiæ tabula co[n] / tinet / India[m] ex= / tra Gange=[m] & si / nas. Parallelus / ipsius medius / …’ | TABV // LA. XI. // ASIAE. // . [cloverleaf] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 283 x 314 with title: 319 x 402 |
26 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA . XII. ASIAE. / [rule] / DVODECI= / MA & vltima / Asie tabula co[n] / tinet Taproba / na[m] insulam cu[m] / ceteris insulis. / Parallelus ipsi= / us medius pro / portionem …’ | TABV // LA .XII. // ASIAE. // [2 cloverleafs] [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 283 x 358 with title: 316 x 443 |
27 | [no text] | GENE // RALE // PTHO [2 cloverleafs]Border, widest: 230 x 374 with title: 310 x 420 |
28 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA TER. NOVAE. / [rule] / CHRISTOPHORVS Columbus nationes Ita / lus, patria Benuensis, gente Columba, vir erat / procera statura …’ [single column text, over 2 pages] | .E. // TABV= // LA TER // RE . NOVA . // F.D.W. [2a, ob – 5a, ob]Border, widest: 288 x 378 with title: 327 x 437 |
29 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA [cloverleaf] NOVA / [rule] / HIBERNIAE ANGLIAE ET SCOTIAE. / DE ANGLIA ET HYBERNIA / in prima Europe tabule, Satis dict / um est. De Scotia[m] aut hoc in loco / aliquid dicendum est …’ [single column text, 1 page] | .TABV. // HIBER / NIAE.. // SCO. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 282 x 410 with title: 316 x 410 |
30 | ‘[rule] / [rule] / TAB. MO. HISPA. / [rule] / TABVLA secu[n]da Europe de hi= / spania satis dictu[m] esset, ne tame[n] ali / quid in nostro opere vacuu[m] mane / at paucula …’ [single column text, 1 page] | TABV // MODER // HISPA. // . [cloverleaf] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 301 x 424 with title: 334 x 424 |
31 | ‘[rule] / TA . MODE . GALIE. / [rule] / OBSERVANTISSIMI itaq ho= / die vere pietat sunt Gallui regis [i]m / perium late omnia habet, Coronatis / abudant aureis …’ [single column text, 1 page] | TABV // MODER . // GALIE. // . [cloverleaf] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 279 x 371 with title: 314 x 371 |
32 | ‘[rule] / TAB . MO . GERMA . / [rule] / TABVLA quarta et quinta Europe / de nonnullis germanie populis ac eo / rum moribus dictum est, nunc aut / de ceteris …’ [single column text, 1 page] | TABV // MODER // GERM. // . [cloverleaf]. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 295 x 325 with title: 336 x 325 |
33 | ‘[rule] / TABV . MODERNA / [rule] / HVNGARIAE, POLONIAE, RVSSIAE, / PRVSSIAE . ET VALACHIAE . / LIVONIA vera fidei cultrix / Ruthe / nie ad septentrione[m] pretenta, et ipsa / Sarmaticis finib.’ Tartari Scythicu[m] / hoim …’ [single column text, 1 page] | TABV // MODE . // VVALA. // . [cloverleaf]. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 276 x 367with title: 314 x 367 |
34 | ‘[rule] / TAB . NOVA NOR . / [rule] / BEGIAE ET GOTTIAE. / VLTIMA insularum et Tyle, que cir / cum Britaniam iacens est in qua esti / uo solstitio …’ | TAB . // NOVA . // NOR . & / GOTI. [2a, ob – 5a, ob]Border, widest: 304 x 440 with title: 339 x 475 |
35 | [printed on the verso of no.34] | [Untitled Map Of ‘LOTHARINGIA’]Border: 333 x 226 |
36 | ‘[rule] / TABV . NO . ITALIAE / [rule] / TABVLA vi. Europe de Italia satis / dictu[m] est, Igit[ur] nu[n]c de Liguria regione / Italica dicendu[m] erit ne aliquid intactu[m] / remaneat. Liguria …’ [single column text, 1 page] | [cloverleaf] // TABV // NOVA // ITALI. // . [cloverleaf] [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 264 x 337 with title: 303 x 337 |
37 | ‘[rule] / TAB . MO . ITALIAE / [rule] / CORSICE ET SARDINIE / DE his satis dictum est Sexta et Septima Euro / pe Ptolemaei ad aquas auidus lector recurrat.’ [single column text, 1 page] | . [cloverleaf] . // TABV MO. IT // ALIAE. // . [cloverleaf] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 277 x 402 with title: 310 x 402 |
38 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA MODER . BOSSI . / [rule] / NAE, SERVIAE, GRETIAE ET SCLAVONIAE, / et primo de Gretia. / GRETIA regio est a quoda[m] Greco, qui late in ea reru[m] olim pot= / it’ est, appellata. …’ [single column text, 1 page] | TABV= // LA MO . BOSSIN. // T . // P R E. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 323x 404 with title: 357 x 404 |
39 | ‘[rule] / TABV . MO . I. PARTIS / [rule] / aphrice, et tabule secunde partis aphrice. / DE APHRICAE satis dictu[m] est, super tabulis Aphrice Ptol= / lemei, tu igitur ad eas te verte, si mirabilia regionum aphri= / ce percontari affectaris.’ | TABV= // LA MO // DERNA . // PORTIONIS // . APHRICE . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 282 x 402 with title: 317 x 402 |
40 | ‘[rule] / TA MO .II. PARTIS APHRI . / [rule] / DE Aphrica satis dictum est super tabulis aphrice Ptolomei, tu igitur ad / eas te verte, si mirabilia regionum aphrice percontari affectaris.’ | .II. // TABV // LA MODER // NA . APHRI // CE. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 309 x 427 with title: 350 x -427 |
41 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA MODERNA / [rule] / ASIAE MINORIS. / TERRAM (qua hodie Turchie nome[n] tenet) no[n] vna gens inha / bitat …’ | TABV // MINOR . // ASIAE. // [2 cloverleafs] [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 263 x 382 with title: 299 x 362 |
42 | ‘[rule] / TA . TER . SANCTE . / [rule] / IVDEA particularis Syrie prouin= / tia in Coelosyria[m] iacens et Peream, / ad occasum. Aegypticao alluitur pe= / lago …’ | TABV // MO. TER // SANC // TAE. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 244 x 417 with title: 287 x 417 |
43 | ‘[rule] / TAB . MODERNA INDIAE . / [rule] / DE INDORVM MORIBVS & ritu in tabula decima & vndecima / ASIAE. PTHOLEMAEI abunde dictum est. tu igitur si placet vide.’ | INDIAE . // TABV // LA . MO= // DER= / NA. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 295 x 442 with title: 333 x 442 |
44 | ‘[rule] / TABVLA MODERNA IN / [rule] / DIAE ORIENTALIS. / DE Indorum moribus et ritu in tabvula decima et vndecima Asie Ptolomei / abunde dictum est, tu igitur si placet vide.’ | [cloverleaf] / TABV // MO. IN . // ORIG. // . [cloverleaf] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 280 x 427 with title: 312 x 427 |
45 | ‘[rule] / TA SVPERIORIS INDIAE [cloverleaf] / [rule] / ET TARTARIAE MAIORES. / [M]ARCVS polo venetus asserit, q inter omnes imperatores et re / ges ta[m] sarracenoru[m] …’ | . S . /? TABVLA // I. [1a, ob – 5a, ob]Border, widest: 292 x 460 with title: 327 x 460 |
46 | ‘[rule] / TA . HERE / HELVE . / [rule] / HELVETIA regio aspera et montu= / osa, in cui’ rupibus Rhenus oritur / fluuius …’ | TABV // HEREmi // HELVE // tiorum . [cloverleaf] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob] Border, widest: 302 x 420 with title: 341 x 420 |
47 | ‘[rule] / TABV . NOVA PROV / [rule] / VINTIAE RHENI. / QVAS Rhenus pater insignissimus / proles parturrijt, non facile quis dice / re potest. …’ | . [cloverleaf] . // TABV // PROVI . // RHEN // . [cloverleaf] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 266 x 429 with title: 299 x 429 |
48 | ‘[rule] / TA . NEOTERICA / [rule] / Creta siue Candie. / CRETA que et Candia dicitur, in= / sula in medio ponto centu[m] vrbiu[m] / fama clara, hec (vt Strabo scribit) / a septentrione …’ | TABV // . NOVA . // CAN . // [2 cloverleafs] [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 282 x 461 with title: 316 x 461 |
49 | ‘[rule] / TABV . MO . GRON . / [rule] / LANDIAE ET RVSIE. / RVSIA regio ta[n]te fertilitatis, vt agro / rude culto frumentoq insperso tri= / b’ …’ | DIEFERT SITVS ORBIS HYDROGRAPHORVM AB EO QVEM PTOLOMEVS POSVIT. [2a-4a] TABV // GRAN. // RVSSIE // [2 cloverleafs] [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Border, widest: 285 x 454 with title: 315 x 454 |
50 | [no text on verso] | ORBIS TVPVS VNIVERSALIS IVXTA HYDROGRAPHORVM TRADITIONEM EXACTISSIME DEPICTA 1522.L.F. [2a – 4a, in border] Border: 290 x 455 widest: 315 x 480 |
The 1525 Strasbourg Edition of Ptolemy’s Geographia
Three years after the first edition Gruninger printed a second edition, for the Nuremberg publisher Johann Koberger. Apparently faced with criticism of the text in the First Edition, Gruninger employed Wilibald Pirckheimer to edit it, which he did from the notes of Johannes Regiomontanus, perhaps under the overall editorship of Johann Huttich.
The text on the verso of the map is flanked by ornamental woodblock, which have been attributed – probably wrongly – to Albrecht Durer, who contributed the woodcut of the armillary sphere found just before the section of maps.
Pirckheimer seems to have been unhappy with the finished volume, encouraging Gruninger to burn the entire print run. It would seem plausible that the 1525 edition also did not sell well, and nothing further is heard of the blocks until they re-emerge in the possession of the Lyons brothers, Gaspar and Melchior Trechsel, who printed the two subsequent editions.
(1) Mickwitz, Ann-Maria (& others) ed. The A.E. Nordenskiold Collection In the Helsinki University Library Annotated Catalogue of Maps made up to 1800 (Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 1981), II, 208.
(2) Mireille Pastoureau, Les Atlas Français… Ptolémée, D.
CLAVDI PTO / LEMAEI GEO / GRAPHICAE / ENARRATIONIS / LIBRI OCTO / BILIBALDO PIRCKEYM / HERO INTERPRETE / Annotationes IOANNIS DE REGIO MONTE / in errores commissos a / IACOBO ANGELO / in translatione sua. | [Colophon] Argentorati, Iohannes Grieningerus, communibus Iohannis Koberger impensis excudebat. Anno a Christi Natiuitate M.D. XXV Tertio Kal’. Apriles. | |
1 | ‘I’ ‘[double rule] / PRINCIPIVM EVROPAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas prima Europe tabula complectitur. / Hybernia Insula Britannica. / Albion Insula Britannica. / Tabula .I. Europae. / PRIMA Europe / tabula Britanni= / cas continet insu / las cum adiace[n]ti= / bus ei insulis. / Parallelus …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of The British Isles] |
2 | ‘2’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .II. EVROPAE. / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas secu[n]da Europe tabula complectitur. / Hispania Betica. / Hispania Lusitania. / Hispania Tarraconensis. / SECVNDA / Europe tabu= / la co[n]tinet Hi= / spaniam tota[m], …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Spain] |
3 | ‘3’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .III. EVROPAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas tertia Europe tabula complectitur. / Gallia Aquitana / Gallia Lugdunensis / Gallia Belgica / Celtogallatia Narbonensis / TERTIA Eu= / rope tabula co[n]= / tinet Gallias, in / quatuor proui[n]= / cijs, cum insulis / sibi adiace[n]tib’ / Medius …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of France] In the right-hand margin, the letterpress notes have been omitted, leaving only ‘Miliaria 30’ [5a, orb] |
4 | ‘4’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .IIII. EVROPAE . / [double rule] / He sun t ecognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas quarta Europe tabula complectitur. / Germania magna. / QVARTA Eu / rope tabula con / tinet Germania[m] / magnam cum / insulis sibi adia / centibus. / Medius …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Germany]’Clima 7′ is omitted [5d, orb]. |
5 | ‘5’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA V. EVROPAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas quinta Europe tabula complectitur. / Rhetia & Vindelicia. / Noricum. / Pannonia superior. / Pannonia inferior. / Illyris. / Liburnia. / Dalmatia. / EVROPAE tabula qui[n]ta co[m] / plectitur Rhæ= / tia[m] & Vindeli= / cia[m], ac Noricu[m], / duasq …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of The Western Balkans]The major names in the map have been recut, so the lettering is not as thick as in the 1522 edition. |
6 | ‘6’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .VI. EVROPAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas sexta Europe tabula complectitur. / Italia. / Cyrenos insula. / SEXTA Eu= / rope tabula con / tinet Italia[m] tota[m], / et Cyrnum in= / sula[m], cu[m] insulis / Italie adiacenti= / bus. / Parallelus …’ | [cloverleaf] . // TABV // LA .VI. // EVRO. // . [cloverleaf] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob] |
7 | ‘7’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .VII. EVROPAE. / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas septima Europe tabula complectitur. / Sardinia insula. / Sicilia insula. / EVROPAE / tabula septima / continet Sardi / niam et Sicilia[m] / insulas. / Parallel’ …’ | [cloverleaf] . // TABV // LA .VII. // EVRO. // . [cloverleaf] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]The two letterpress notes in the right margin have been reset, the upper is now in 5 lines, the lower in 6. |
8 | ‘8’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .VIII. EVROPAE. / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas octaua Europe tabula complectitur. / Sarmatia in Europa. / Taurica Chersonesus. / OCTAVA Eu / rope tabula con / tinet Sarmatia[m], / quæ …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of European Russia]The lower left corner of the block has been damaged. |
9 | ‘9’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .IX. EVROPAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas nona Europe tabula complectitur. / Iazyges Metanaste. / Dacia. / Mysia superior. / Mysia inferior. / Thracia. / Chersonesus. / EVROPAE ta / bula nona co[n]ti= / net Iacyges Me / tanastas, dacia[m], / vtraq. …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of The Balkans] |
10 | ’10’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA X. EVROPAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas decima Europe tabula complectitur. / Macedonia. Epyrus. Achaia. Peloponesus. Creta insula. / EVROPAE / tabula decima, / in qua & finis / ipsius …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Greece]There is no letterpress outside the border. |
11 | ’11’ ‘[double rule] / PRINCIPIVM APHRICAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas prima Aphrice tabula complectitur. / Mauritania Tingitana. / Mauritania Cæsariensis. / Tabula .I. Aphricae. / PRIMA Aphri / ce tabula co[n]tinet / ambas Maurita / nias, Tingitana[m], / et Cæsarie[n]sem. / Parallelus …’ | TABV /// LA I. A // PHRI. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]Only the upper letterpress note remains: ‘Miliaria . 50’ |
12 | ’12’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .II. APHRICAE. / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas secunda Aphrice tabula complectitur. / Aphrica. / Numidia. / APHRICAE / tabula secunda / continet Aphri / cam & insulas / quæ circa ipsa[m] / sunt. / Parallelus …’ | .II. // TABV // LA MODER // NA . APHRICE. [2a, ob – 4a, ob]There is no letterpress in the right margin; the lower two notes in the left margin are now arranged vertically. |
13 | ’13’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .III. APHRICAE. / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas tertia Aphrice tabula complectitur. / Cyrenaica, quæ & Pentapolis. / Marmarica. / Libya. / Aegyptus. / Thebais. / TERTIA tabu= / la Aphrice Cy= / rene et Aegypti / co[n]tinet …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Egypt And Eastern Libya]There is one line of letterpress in the left margin. |
14 | ’14’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .IIII. APHRICAE. / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas quarta Aphrice tabula complectitur. / Libya interior. / Aethiopia sub Aegypto. / Aethiopia omnibus his australior. / QVARTA ta= / bula Aphricæ. / co[n]tinet interiore[m] / Libya[m], …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Northern Africa]The letterpress in the left margin has been reset, with ‘Mili’ now so spelled in all three notes. |
15 | ’15’ ‘[double rule] / [cloverleaf] / PRINCIPIVM ASIAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas prima Asie tabula complectitur. / Pontus / Bithynia / Que proprie Asia dicitur, in qua Phrygia / Lycia / Pamphilia, in qua Pisidia / Galacia, in qua Paphlagonia, & Isauria / Cappadocia. / Armenia minor / Cilicia. / Tabula .I. Asiae. / ASIAE tabula / prima …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Asia Minor]The letterpress in the left margin is now arranged vertically; the letterpress in the right hand margin has been moved closer to the woodcut lettering. |
16 | ’16’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .II. ASIAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas secunda Asie tabula complectitur. / Sarmatia Asiatica. / ASIAE tabula / secu[n]da co[n]tinet / Sarmatia[m], quæ / in Asia est. / Parallel’ …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of South-Western Russia]The letterpress in the right hand margin has ben reset, with ‘Clima 7’ now arranged vertically [5d, orb] |
17 | ’17’ ‘[double rule] / [cloverleaf] TABVLA .III. ASIAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas tertia Asie tabula complectitur. / Colchis. / Iberia. / Albania. / Armenia maor. / TERTIA ta= / bula Asie con= / tinet Colchide[m] / Iberiam, Alba= / niam, & maio= / rem Armenia[m]. / Parallel’ …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Armenia And The Caucasus] |
18 | ’18’ ‘[double rule] / [cloverleaf] TABVLA .IIII. ASIAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas quarta Asie tabula complectitur. / Cyprus insula. Syria. Phoenicia. Iudea Palestina. Arabia Petrea. / Arabia deserta. Mesopotamia. Baylonia. / ASIAE tabula / quarta co[n]tinet / Cypru[m], …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Syria And Palestine] There is no letterpress outside the map border. |
19 | ’19’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .V. ASIAE [cloverleaf]. / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas quinta Asie tabula complectitur. / Assyria. / Susiana. / Media. / Persis. / Parthia. / Carmania deserta. / Hyrcania. / ASIAE tabula / quinta co[n]tinet / Assyriam, Su= / sianam …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Persia]From a new block. |
20 | ’20’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA VI. ASIAE [cloverleaf] / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas sexta Asie tabula complectitur. / Arabia foelix. / Carmania. / ASIAE tabula / Sexta continet / Arabia[m] foelice[m], / atq Carmania[m] / cu[m] adiacentib’ / insulis. / Medius …’ | . [cloverleaf] . // TABV // LA .VI. // ASIAE . // . [cloverleaf] . [2a, ob – 4a, ob]The letterpress has been reset; the lower note in the left hand margin, and the lower two in the right margin are now arranged vertically. |
21 | ’21’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .VII. ASIAE [cloverleaf] / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas septima Asie tabula complectitur. / Margiana. / Bactriana. / Sogdiana. / Sace. / Scythia intra Imaum montem. / ASIAE tabula / septima co[n]tinet / Hyrcania[m], / Mar= / giana[m], Bactria= / na[m], Socdetnaos, / Sacas, & Scythi / iam …’ | TABV. // .VII. // ASIAE. [1a, ob – 5a, ob]The letterpress has been reset, with the two lower notes on the right arranged vertically. |
22 | ’22’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA VIII. ASIAE. [cloverleaf] / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas octaua Asie tabula complectitur. / Scythia extra Imaum montem. / Serica. / ASIAE tabula / octaua co[n]tinet / Scythia[m] extra / Imaum monte[m], / et Sericam. / Parallelus …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Central Asia]The letterpress has been reset, with ‘CLIMA’ now in capitals. |
23 | ’23’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .IX. ASIAE [cloverleaf] / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas nona Asie tabula complectitur. / Aria. / Paropanisade / Drangiana / Arachosia / Gedrosia / ASIAE tabula / nona continet / Aria[m], Paropa= / nisadas, Dran= / giana[m], Arocho / siam, & Gedro / siam. / Parallelus …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Pakistan] |
24 | ’24’ ‘[double rule] TABVLA .X. ASIAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas decima Asie tabula complectitur. / India intra Gangem. / ASIAE tabula / decima co[n]tinet / Indiam intra Ga[n]- / gem fluuiu[m], cu[m] / adiace[n]tibus si= / bi insulis. / Parallelus …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of India] |
25 | ’25’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .XI. ASIAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas vndecima Asie tabula complectitur. / India extra Gangem. / Synarum regio / ASIAE tabula / vndecima conti / net India[m] extra / Ga[n]ge[m], et Sinas. / Parallelus …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of South East Asia] |
26 | ’26’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA .XII. ASIAE / [double rule] / He sunt e cognitis totius orbis Prouintijs seu Prefecturis / quas duodecima Asie tabula complectitur. / Taprobane insula. / ASIAE tabula / duodecima co[n] / tinet Taproba= / nam insula[m], cu[m] / cæteris insulis / circa ipsam. / Parallelus …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Ceylon] |
27 | [no text] | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of The World]An additional woodcut surround, with windheads, has been added around the map.Border: 301 x 457 |
28 | ’28’ ‘Oceani occide[n]talis / Seu Terre Noue / TABVLA / CHRISTOPHORVS CO= / lumbus natione Italus, patria Ge / nuensis …’ | [Untitled Map Of The North Atlantic And The West Indies] |
29 | ’29’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA NOVA [cloverleaf] / HYBERNIAE, ANGLIAE, ET SCOTIAE. / DE ANGLIA ET HYBER= / nia, in prima Europæ tabula satis / dictum est. De Scotia aute[m] hoc in / loco …’ | TABV // LA . MODER // NA . HIBE // R. [2a, ob – 4a, ob] |
30 | ’30’ ‘[double rule] / TAB. MO. HISPAN. / [double rule] / TABVLA secunda Europæ, de / Hispania satis dictu[m] esset, ne tame[n] / aliquid in nostro opere vacuu[m] ma= / neat, paucula de moribus Hispano / rum …’ | [Untitled Modern Map Of Spain] |
31 | ’31’ ‘[double rule] / TAB. MO. GALLIAE. / [double rule] / OBSERVANTISSIMI itaq / hodie vere pietat sunt Galli. Regis / imperiu[m] late omnia tenet. Coronat / abundat aureis (quos vulgo Coro= / nas nuncupam’) Scutis. Matrimo= / nia Italico …’ | [Untitled Modern Map Of France] |
32 | ’32’ ‘[double rule] / TAB. MO. GERMA. / [double rule] / TABVLA quarta et quinta Eur= / rope de nonnullis Germanie po= / pulis, ac eoru[m] morib’ dictum est. / Nunc aut de ceteris que locis alle= / gatis …’ | [Untitled Modern Map Of Germany] |
33 | ’33’ ‘[double rule] / TABV. MODERNA / [double rule] / HVNGARIAE, POLONIAE, RVS= / SIAE, PRVSSIAE, ET VALACHIAE. / LIVONIA veræ fidei cultrix, / Rutheniæ ad septe[n]trione[m] pretenta, / & ipsa Sarmaticis finibus, Tartari / Scythicu[m] hominu[m] genus crebrius / incursant. …’ | [Untitled Modern Map Of Eastern Europe] |
34 | ’34’ ‘[double rule] / TAB. NOVA NOR / [double rule] / BEGIAE ET GOTTIAE. / VLTIMA insularum et Tyle, que / circum Britannia[m] iacent, est, in qua / estiuo solstitio sole de cancri sidere / faciente …’ | [Untitled Modern Map Of Scandinavia]An errant letter ‘R’ has been removed from the block [4d]; the letterpress text outside the border has been reset. |
35 | ’35’ ‘[double rule] / TAB. MO. ITALIAE. / [double rule] / CORSICAE ET SARDINIAE / DE his satis dictum est in tabula sexta & septima Eu / ropæ Ptolomei, ad quas auidus lector recurrat.’ | TABV // LA MODER // NA . ITAL // IE. [2a, ob – 4a, ob] |
36 | ’36’ ‘[double rule] / TA. NO. ITALIAE. / [double rule] / TABVLA sexta Europe de Ita= / lia satis dictu[m] est. Igitur nunc de Li / guria regione Italica dicendu[m] erit, / ne aliquid intactu[m] remaneant Ligu= / ria Italie …’ | [Untitled Modern Map Of Italy] |
37 | ’37’ ‘[double rule] / TA. MODER. BOSSI / [double rule] / NAE, SERVIAE, GRAECIAE, ET SCLAVO / NIAE. / Et primo de Græcia. / GRAECIA regio est, a quodam / Greco, qui late in ea reru[m] olim poti / tus est, appellata. In hac Athænæ / ciuitatis …’ | [Untitled Modern Map Of Greece] |
38 | ’38’ ‘[double rule] / TAB. MO. PRIMAE / [double rule] / PARTIS APHRICAE, ET TABVLA / secunde partis Aphricæ. / DE APHRICA SATIS dictu[m] est super tabulis / Aphrice Ptolemei, tu igitur ad eas te verte, si mira= / bilia regionum Aphricæ percontari libet.’ | [Untitled Modern Map of North Africa] |
39 | ’39’ ‘[double rule] / TAB. MO. SECVN / [double rule] / DAE PARTIS APHRICAE. / DE APHRICA satis dictum est super tabulis / Aphrice Ptolemæi, tu igitur ad eas te verte, si mira= / bilia regionum Aphrice percontari cupis.’ | [Untitled Modern Map Of Southern Africa] |
44 | ’40’ ‘[double rule] TABVLA MODER . / [double rule] / ASIAE MINORIS / TERRAM (que hodie Turchie / nomen tenet) non vna gens inha= / bitat, sed Turcæ, Græci, Armeni, / Sarraceni Iacobitani, Nestoriani, / Iudei, Christiani, …’ | TABV // ASIAE // MINO // RIS. [2a, ob – 4a, ob] |
41 | ’41’ ‘[double rule] TA. TER. SANCTE. / [double rule] / IVDEA particularis Syriæ pro= / uincia in Coelosyriam iacens et per / eam ad occasum, Aegypticao alluit / pelago …’ | TABV // TERRE // [cloverleaf] SAN // CTAE. [2a, ob – 4a, ob] |
42 | ’42’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA MODER. / [double rule] / INDIAE ORIENTALIS / DE INDORVM moribus & ritu in tabula / decima & vndecima Asiæ Ptolemei abunde dictu[m] / est. tu igitur (si iuuat) illas intuebere.’ | [Untitled Map Of South East Asia And The East Indies] |
43 | ’43’ ‘[double rule] / TA. SVPERIORIS INDIAE. / [double rule] / ET TARTARIAE MAIORIS. / MARCVS polo venetus asserit, q inter omnes impera / tores & reges …’ | [Untitled Modern Map Of China]There is no letterpress outside the left hand border; the notes in the right hand margin have been reset. |
44 | ’44’ ‘[double rule] / TAB. MODERNA INDIAE / [double rule] / DE INDORVM moribus & ritu, in tabula decima & vndecima Asie / Ptolemei abunde dictum est. Tu igitur (si placet) vide.’ | [Untitled Map Of Southern Asia] |
45 | ’45’ ‘[double rule] / TA. HERE. HELVE. / [double rule] / HELVETIA regio aspera et mo[n]= / tuosa, in ciuis rupibus Rhenus orit / fluuiuis. Hæc homines gignit vtri= / usq. …’ | [Untitled Modern Map Of Switzerland] |
46 | ’46’ ’47’ ‘[double rule] / TABVLA NOVA / [double rule] / PROVINCIAE RHENI. / QVAS Rhenus pater insignissimus / proles parturijt, non facile quis di= / cere …’ | TABV // PROVI . // RHENI // [cloverleaf] [2a, ob – 4a, ob] |
47 | [on verso of map 46] | [Untitled Modern Map Of ‘LOTHARINGIA’]The two corners on the left side of the block have been cut off, and replaced by two double lines across the angle. |
48 | ’48’ ‘[double rule] / TABV. NEOTERICA / [double rule] / CRETAE SIVE CANDIAE. / CRETA que & Candia dicitur insula in / medio ponto centum vrbium fama clara. Hec (ut Strabo scribit) a septe[n]trione Aegeo / alluitur pelago …’ | TABV // NOVA // CAN. // [2 cloverleafs] [2a, ob -4a, ob]The lower left hand corner of the block has been damaged. |
49 | ’49’ ‘[double rule] TABVLA MODER. / [double rule] / GRONLANDIAE ET RVSSIAE / RVSIA regio tantæ fertilitatis, vt / agro rude culto frume[n]toq insperso / tribus …’ | DIEFERT SITVS ORBIS HYDROGRAPHORVM AB EO QVEM PTOLOMEVS POSVIT [2a-4a]The block appears to have been broken in half; the crack runs from the border below the Equator on the left, to above the Equator on the right. |
50 | [no text, or heading] | ORBIS . TVPVS . VNIVERSALIS . IVXTA . HYDROGRAPHORVM . TRADITIONEM . EXACTISSIME . DEPICTA .1522. L.F. [1a-5a] 50 [5e, orb, letterpress] |
The 1535 Lyons Edition of Ptolemy’s Geographia
For details of the history of the atlas see the biography of Lorenz Fries.
This is the third printing of the woodcut maps prepared by Lorenz Fries, and first issued in 1522. By this time, both Fries and the original printer, Johann Grüninger had died, and the blocks had found their way into the ownership of Melchior and Gaspar Trechsel.
For this edition, the brothers employed Michael Servetus to re-edit the text written by Wilibald Pirckheimer for the previous, 1525, edition. As a result, the text is completely reset when compared with other editions. The text on the verso of the maps is flanked by ornate woodblock designs, which are said to be the work of Hans Holbein the Younger and Urs Graf.
The geographical area of each of the maps is unchanged from the previous edition. There are variations, however, outside the borders. Titles, where present, are printed from type set within separate woodcut banners fixed to the upper border of the block.
(1) Mickwitz, Ann-Maria (& others) ed. The A.E. Nordenskiold Collection…, II, 205, notes.
(1) Mickwitz, Ann-Maria (& others) ed. The A.E. Nordenskiold Collection…, II, 209.
(2) Mireille Pastoureau, Les Atlas Français…, Ptolémée, E;
The 1541 Vienne Edition of Ptolemy’s Geographia
The fourth edition utilising Lorenz Fries’s woodcut maps was published in Vienne, Dauphine, in 1541 by Gaspar Trechsel, and sold by Hughes de la Porte in Lyons.
Once again, the text was edited by Michael Servetus (Villanouanus) from Pirckheimer’s translation, and compared with other Greek texts. One important amendment to the text was the removal of the note about Palestine.
For this edition, the text on the reverse of the map, where present, was reset. The same series of maps are present, with maps themselves again unchanged, with the exception of titles (again where present) outside the map itself, and occasional variations in the letterpress text in the margins. Of the Ptolemaic maps only the World map has a title, while the majority of modern maps have titles. For this edition the characteristic woodcut banner designs of earlier editions were discarded, and the titles printed from letterpress type without surround, giving a readily identifiable appearance.
The atlas was not re-printed, perhaps in face of competition from Sebastian Munster’s edition of 1540, which achieved wide popularity, with its enlarged and improved section of modern maps including, for the first time, a set of maps of the four known continents.
(1) Mickwitz, Ann-Maria (& others) ed. The A.E. Nordenskiold Collection…, II, 211.
(2) Mireille Pastoureau, Les Atlas Français…, Ptolémée, F.
* | CLAVDII / PTOLEMAEI / ALEXAN= / DRINI / Geographicae Enarrationis, / Libri Octo. / Ex BILIBALDI PIRCKE- / ymheri tralatione, sed ad Graeca & prisca exemplaria à Michaele Villanouano / secundo recogniti, & locis innumeris denuo castigati. Adiecta insuper ab eodem Scho / lia, quibus & difficilis ille Primus Liber nunc primum explicatur, & exoleta Vrbium / nomina ad nostri seculi morem exponuntur. / Quinquaginta illae quoque cum ueterum tum / recentium Tabule adnectuntur, uariisq incolentium ritus & mores explicantur. / * / Accedit Index locupletissimus hactenus nonuisus. / [woodcut of a man with two pillars on his shoulders] / Prostant Lugduni apud Hugonem à Porta. / [rule] / M.D. XLI. | [colophon] [h6] Excudebat / Gaspar Trechsel / Viennae M. D. XLI. [n4r] GASPAR TRECHSEL / EXCVDEBAT / VIENNAE. / [rule] / M D XLI. |
1 | ‘1’ ‘EVROPAE TABV- / la prima continet insulam / Albion, sive Britanniam & / Hyberniam. / PRima Europe tabula Bri / tannicas …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of The British Isles] |
2 | ‘2’ ‘ EVROPAE TABVLA / secunda continet Hispaniam / BAETICAM, HISPA- / niam Lusitaniam, & Hispania / Tarraconensem. / [rule] / SECVNDA EVRO= / pae tabula continet Hispa / niam totam …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Spain] |
3 | ‘3’ ‘EVROPAE TABVLA / tertia continet Galliam / Aquitaniam, Lugdunensem, Belgicam, / & Narbonensem. / TERTIA Europae tabula / continet Gallias …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of France] |
4 | ‘4’ ‘EVROPAE TABVLA / quarta continet / Germaniam magnam. / [rule] / QVARTA Europae tabula / continet Germaniam ma / gnam …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Germany] |
5 | ‘5’ ‘EVROPAE TA- / bula quinta continet / Rhe / tiam & Vindeliciam, Noricum, Pannoniam / superiorem, Pannoniam inferiorem, Illyridem, Liburnia, & Dalmatiam. / [rule] / …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of The Western Balkans] |
6 | ‘6’ ‘EVROPAE TABVLA / Sexta continet Italiam / & Cyrnum insulam. / [rule] / SEXTA …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Italy] |
7 | ‘7’ ‘EVROPAE TABVLA / septima continet / Sardiniam & Siciliam insulam / insulas. / EVROPAE tabula …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Sardinia And Sicily] |
8 | ‘8’ ‘EVROPAE / tabula octaua continet / Sarmatiam Europae, & Tauricam / chersonesum. / [rule] / …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of European Russia] |
9 | ‘9’ ‘EVROPAE TABVLA / nona continet Iaziges Metanastas, / DACIAM, MYSIAM SVPE- / riorem. / Mysiam inferiorem. / Thraciam & / Chersonesum. / EVROPAE tabu= / la nona …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of The Balkans] |
10 | ’10’ ‘EVROPAE TABVLA / Decima continet Macedoniam, / EPYRUM, ACHAIAM, / Peloponesum, & Cretam insulam / EVROPAE tabu= / la / decima …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Greece] |
11 | ’11’ ‘TABVLA PRIMA / Aphricae continet Mauritania[m] Tingitanam, & / Mau= / ritaniam Caesariensem. / PRIMA Aphricae ta= / bula …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of North-West Africa] |
12 | ’12’ ‘APHRICAE TABVLA / secunda continet / Aphricam & Numidiam. / APHRICAE tabula se= / cunda continet Aphricam / & insulas…’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Central North Africa] |
13 | ’13’ ‘TABVLA TERTIA / Aphricae continet / Cyrenaica[m], quae & Pentapolis, Marmaricam, Libyam, Aegyptum, & Thebaidem. / TERTIA tabula Aphri / cae Cyrene …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of North-Eastern Africa And Egypt] |
14 | ’14’ APHRICAE / tabula quarta continet / Libyam & duas Aethiopias. / QVARTA & vltima / tabula Aphricae …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Northern Africa] |
15 | ’15’ ‘TABVLA PRIMA / Asiae continet / Pontum, Bithyniam, Asiae propriae dictam, in qua Phyr / gia Lyciam Pamphilia[m], in qua Pisidia, Galatiam, / in qua Paphlagonia & Isauria, Capadocia[m] / Armeniam minorem, & Ciliciam. / ASIAE tabula prima co[n]= / tinet … | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Asia Minor] |
16 | ’16’ ‘ASIAE TABVLA / secunda continet / Sarmatia Asiaticam. / ASIAE tabula secunda co[n] / tinet …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of South-Western Russia] |
17 | ’17’ ‘TABVLA TERTIA / Asiae / complectitur Colchidem, Iberiam, Albaniam, & Armeniam maiorem. / TERTIA tabula Asiae / continet Colchidem Ibe= / riam …’ | [Untitled Map Of Armenia And The Caucasus] |
18 | ’18’ ‘TABVLA QVARTA / Asiae / complectitur Cyprum insulam, Syriam, Phoeniceam, Iudeam, / Palestinam, Arabiam Petream, Arabiam / desertam, Mesopotamiam & Bayloniam / ASIAE tabula quar= / ta …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Palestine And Syria] |
19 | ’19’ ‘ASIAE TABVLA / quinta continentur Assyr= / ia, Media, Susiana, Persis, Parthia, / Carmania deserta, & Hyr= / cania. / ASIAE tabula quinta conti / net …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map of Persia] |
20 | ’20’ ‘TABVLA SEXTA / Asiae / Complectitur Arabiam felicem / & Carmaniam. / ASIAE tabula Sexta con= / tinet Arabiam felicem …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map of Arabia] |
21 | ’21’ ‘TABVLA SEPTIMA / Asiae / Complectitur Margianam, Bactriniam, Sogdia- / nam, Sacas, & Scythiam intra Imaum / montem. / ASIAE tabula septi= / ma …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map of the Caspian Region] |
22 | ’22’ ‘TABVLA OCTAVA / Asiae Continet / Scythiam extra Imaum montem, / & Sericam. / ASIAE tabula octaua con= / tinet …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map of Central Asia] |
23 | ’23’ ‘TABVLA NONA / Asiae continentur, Aria, / Paropanisadae, Drangiana, Ara- / chosia, & Gedrosia / COntinet tabula nona Asie / Ariam, Paropanisadas …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map of Pakistan] |
24 | ’24’ ‘ASIAE TA / bula decima continet / India intra Gangem. / ASIAE tabula decima / continet Indiam intra Ga[n] / gem …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map of India] |
25 | ’25’ ‘TABVLA VNDE= / cima Asiae / continet Indiam extra Gangem, & / Synarum regionem. / ASIAE tabula undecima / cotinet Indiam extra Gan= / gem, & Sinas. / …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map of South East Asia] |
26 | ’26’ ‘TABVLA DVODE= / cima Asiae / continet Taprobanam insulam. / ASIAE tabula duode= / cima continet Taproba= / nam insulam …’ | [Untitled Ptolemaic Map Of Ceylon] |
27 | ’27’ [no text] | Typus orbis descriptione PtolemaeiThe top right-hand corner of the block is missing |
28 | ’28’ Tabula terrae noua // CHRISTOPHORVS Colu[m]bus natione Italus, patria Genuensis, gente Colu= / ba …’ | [Untitled Modern Map Of The North Atlantic And West Indies] |
29 | ’29’ [no text] | Tabula noua Angliae & Hiberniae |
30 | ’30’ [no text] | Tabula nouae Hispaniae |
31 | ’31’ [no text] | Tabula noua Galliae |
32 | ’32’ De Boemia. / TABVLA quarta & quinta Europae de nonnullis / Germaniae … | [Untitled Modern Map Of Germany] |
33 | ’33’ [no text] | Tabula noua Poloniae, Vngariae, & Russiae |
34 | ’34’ [no text] | Norbegia & Gottia |
35 | ’35’ [no text] | Tabula noua Siciliae, Sardiniae, & Corsicae |
36 | ’36’ [no text] | Tabula nouae Italiae |
37 | ’37’ [no text] | Tabula noua Graeciae, Sclauoniae, & Bulgariae |
38 | ’38’ [no text] | Tabula noua partis Africae [Northern Africa] |
39 | ’39’ [no text] | Tabula noua partis Africae [Southern Africa] |
40 | ’40’ ‘DE MAHOMETO / ET TVRCARVM ORIGINE / & moribus. / TVRCIAE nomen huic Asiae regioni nuper inclitum, ideoq paucu / la de Mahometo …’ | Tabula noua Asiae minoris |
41 | ’41’ [no text] | Tabula noua terrae sanctae |
42 | ’42’ [no text] | Tabula noua Indiae orientalis & meridionalis |
43 | ’43’ ‘TABVLA SVPERIO= / ris Indiae & Tartariae maioris. / MARCVS Paulus Venetus asserit, / q inter omnes impatores & reges …’ | [Untitled Modern Map Of China And Japan] |
44 | ’44’ [no text] | Tabula noua vtriusque Indiae |
45 | ’45’ [no text] | Tabula noua Heluetiae |
46 | ’46’ ’47’ [no text] | Tabula noua Prouinciarum Rheni |
47 | [Untitled Map Of ‘LOTHARINGIA’]The bottom left corner of the block is missing. | |
48 | ’48’ TABVLA NEO= / TERICA CRETAE / Siue Candiae. / CRETA quae & Candia dicitur in medio / ponto …’ | Tabula noua CandiaeBoth bottom corners of the block are missing. |
49 | ’49’ [no text] | DIEFERT SITVS ORBIS HYDROGRAPHORVM AB EO QVEM PTOLOMEVS POSVIT [2a-4a] Tabula noua totius orbis |
50 | ’50’ [no text] | ORBIS . TVPVS . VNIVERSALIS . IVXTA . HYDROGRAPHORVM . TRADITIONEM . EXACTISSIME . DEPICTA .1522. L.F. [1a-5a] Tabula orbis cum descriptione ventorum |