Collation: Rocque’s Plans & Forts in America

Rocque’s 1765 Plan of Fort Stanwix;
A SET of / PLANS and FORTS / IN / AMERICA. / Reduced from Actual Surveys / 1763. [London], 1763Border: 123 x 166
1A PLAN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, REDUCED FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY, By T. Maerschalckm, 1755 [2a, ob – 4a, ob] P. Andrews Sculp. [1e, ob] Publish’d according to Act of Parliament by M.A. Rocque near Old Round Court in the Strand. [3e, ob][key] ‘A-I, K / L-T, V / X-Z, 1-5.’ [4a-5a][scale] ‘Scale of 1/4 of Mile or 1320 Feet’ – ‘700’ – [1500] (65mm) [4c]Plan: 233 x 396
2PLAN OF QUEBEC, Reduc’d from an Actual Survey 1763. [2a, ob – 4a, ob][key] ‘References. / A-I.’ [1d][scale] [not given]Plan: 122 x 164Platemark: 137 x 180
3PLAN of the CITY / and FORTRESS of / LOUISBOURG, with the Attacks. [5a][key] ‘1-18’ [1b-1c][scale] [not given]Plan: 119 x 149
4PLAN of the TOWN / and FORTIFICATIONS / of / MONTREAL / or VILLE MARIE / in CANADA. [1a][key] ‘A-I, K-N.’ [4a/b – 5a/b][scale] ‘English Yards’ – ‘360’ (29mm) [4e]Plan: 119 x 150
5A PLAN / of / SCHENECTADY. / Situated Lat. 43. Long. 74. 30. [1a][key] ‘A-G.’ [2e-4e][scale] ‘Scale of 200 Yards to an Inch’ – ‘1000’ (40mm) [4a]Plan:121 x 165Platemark: 141 x 190
6A PLAN / of the / CITY OF ALBANY. / Situated Lat. 42.o 30′ Long. 74.o’ [5a][note] with a Design for the better securing it by altering the ancient form of its Stockade adding a Ditch in Front defended by a Number of / Block houses with a Banquette within from which a double Fire of Musquetry can be made thro loop holes in the Stockade. [1a, ob – 5a, ob] Also a Design for a Magazine for Provisions, Barracks for to Compleat 1000 Men with a General Hospital for 400 Sick and a small / Quay for the Conveniency of Loading & Unloading the Vessels which will also serve for a Battery for 2 Guns to Command the River. [1e, ob – 5e, ob][scale] ‘Scale 60 Feet’ – ’60’ (46mm)Plan: 119 x 150
7A PLAN of the TOWN of HALIFAX in NOVA SCOTIA. [2a, ob – 4a, ob][key] ‘A-I.’ [5e][scale] ‘English Feet’ – ‘500’ – [1000] (37mm) [1e]        ‘Echelle de Toises’ – ‘150’ (34mm) [3e]Plan: 121 x 164
8PLAN / OF / FORT FRONTENAC. [1a][key] A-I, K, L. [1b][scale] [not given]Plan: 120 x 150
9SKETCH of / FORT BREWERTON, / at the West End of / ONEDA LAKE. [5a][no key][scale] ‘Scale 100 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘300’ (40mm) [2a]Plan: 120 x 149
10SKETCH of the / STOCKADE FORT, / at / OSWEGO FALLS. [5a][no key][scale] ‘Scale of 100 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘200’ [2b]Plan: 120 x 151
11[‘Fort / William / Henry.’][scale] ‘Scale to this Plan of the Fort’ – ‘400’ (101mm) [2a-5a]Inset: ‘Section through A.B.’ [1d/e – 5d/e]      [scale] ‘A Scale to the Profile’ – ‘110’ (83mm) [2d-4d]Plan: 156 x 111
12PLAN of the NARROWS / about 10 Miles from / NEW YORK. / [key] A.B.C.D.E. … [2d/e – 4d/e][scale] ‘1000 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘4000’ (49mm) [2a-4a]Plan: 120 x 151
13Plan and Profile of Retrenched Work round Harkemeis house at y.e German Flats 1756. [2e, ob – 4e, ob][scale] – ’40 Feet’ (36mm) [1e]Plan: 120 x 150
14SCETCH / of the / BLOCK HOUSE / at the East of / ONEDA LAKE. [1e][scale] ‘Scale of 100 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘500’ (62mm) [1a-2a]Inset: ‘Elevation & Profile / of the Block house / through A.B.’ [3d] [scale] ‘Scale for the Elevation’ – ’50 Feet’ (46mm)Plan: 119 x 151
15A PLAN of the / ROYAL BLOCK HOUSE, / with the Environs / at FORT EDWARD. [5a][scale] ‘Scale of 1200 Feet’ – ‘1200’ (53mm) [1e, ob – 2e, ob]’Scale of 20 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘130’ (35mm) [4e, ob – 5e, ob]Inset: [‘ROYAL BLOCK / HOUSE’] [5e]Plan: 120 x 150
16A PLAN of / Fort William Henry / and the / English Camps / & Retrenchments / with the / French different Camps / and Attack there upon. [1a][key] ‘A-B / [vertical rule] / C-D / [vertical rule] / E / [vertical rule] / F. / [vertical rule] / G-H.’ [1a, ob – 5a, ob] ‘I-K / [vertical rule] / [K, cont.], L / [vertical rule] / M-N / [vertical rule] / [N, cont.] / [vertical rule] / [N, cont.] O-P.’ [1e, ob – 5e, ob]Inset: [Untitled Plan Of The Fort] [5a]Plan: 120 x 150
17A PLAN of the FORT / at / SARATOGA. / Lat. 43.o 20′ Long 73.o 30′. [5e][no key][scale] ‘Scale 50 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘250’ (42mm) [4b]Plan: 120 x 164
18PLAN / of / PART OF FORT GEORGE, / with the Barracks &c. / Erected in the Year 1759. / Situated Lat 43.o Long 73.o 30′. [1e][key] ‘A, 1-3, B, / [B, cont] 6, 7.’ [1a, ob – 5a, ob][scale] ‘Scale 200 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘1200’ (76mm) [2a-4a]Plan: 121 x 164
19PLAN / of the / RETRENCH’D CAMP, / at / FORT LIGONIER. [1a][key] ‘Explanation. / A-D / E-H / I, K-N. [1e-4e][scale] ‘Scale of 100 Feet to one Inch’ – ‘300’ (28mm) [5d]Plan: 120 x 164
20PLAN / of / Fort Frederick / at / ALBANY. [3a]Inset: ‘Section thro CD.’ [2b-4b]      ‘A View of the South-East side of the Fort. [2e-3e][key] ‘A-B.’ [3d][scale] [not given]Plan: 128 x 164
21A PLAN / of the / NEW FORT / at / PITTS-BURGH / or / DU QUESNE / Nov.r 1759. / Situated in Lat. 40.o 20′ Long 80.o [5a][key] ‘Explanation. / A-H. [5b-5d][scale] ‘Scale for the Plan’ – ‘600’ (55mm) [2d-2b]Plan: 120 x 160
22PLAN / of / FORT EDWARD. / Situated Lat. 43.o Lon. 72.o 30′. [5e][no key][scale] [not given]Plan: 119 x 160
23[‘FORT / BEDFORD’ and environs] [3d][no key][scale] ‘Scale of 300 Feet’ – ‘300’ (39mm) [5a]Plan: 131 x 164
24PLAN / OF THE NEW / FORTS & REDOUBTS, / at / CROWN POINT. / Explanation. / Corresponding with the General Plan. / A-B / [vertical rule] / C. / D. [3c/e – 5c/e][in three sections:][a] D [The Light Infantry Fort] [1a/c – 3a/c]  [scale] [no graduations, 17 units] (41mm) [2a][b] B [Grenadier Fort] [3a/c – 5a/c]  [scale] ‘Scale of 40 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘170’ (41mm) [4a-5a][c] ‘C’ [Light Infantry of Regiments Fort] [1c/e – 3c/e]  [scale] [not given]Border: 120 x 165
25PLAN / of the NEW / FORT AND REDOUBTS, / at / NEW CROWN POINT. [3a][no key][scale] ‘Scale for 100 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘400’ (58mm) [4e-5e]Plan: 120 x 163
26PLAN OF / FORT STANWIX, / Built at / ONEIDA STATION, / By Provincial Troops, / in 1758. [4a]Inset: ‘Plan of Magazine’ [2e][key] ‘Explanation.. A-D / E-G.’ [3e-5e][scale] ‘Scale for the Plan 50 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘250’ (43mm) [2a]        ‘NB. Hudsons River the Creek and Road is 100 Feet / to an Inch. [3d-4d]Plan: 121 x 161
27A PLAN / of / FORT FREDERICK, / Situated at the / Entrance of S.t Johns River. / Lat 47.o Long. 66.o 30′. [1a][key] ‘Explanation. / A-F.’ [1b][scale] [not given]Plan: 118 x 165
28PLAN OF FORT NIAGARA, / with its ENVIRON. / Explanation. / A-D / [vertical rule] / E-H. / I. [5e][scale] Scale / 100 Fathoms to an Inch’ – ‘200’ (49mm) [2e]Plan: 121 x 165
29PLAN / OF THE FORT / at / TIENDEROGA / at / the HEAD of / Lake Champlain; / 1759. [1a][key] A-H / I, K-P, a. [1d-2d][scale] ‘Scale 400 Feet to an Inch’ [no units] (52mm) [2e-3e]Plan: 122 x 164
30A PLAN of / FORT ONTARIO. [1a] P. Andrews Sculp. [4e, ob][key] 1-13. [5a-b][scale]  ‘Scale of 200 feet to an Inch’ – ‘1000’ (61mm) [1e-2e]:Plan: 119 x 164
A SET of / PLANS and FORTS / IN / AMERICA, / Reduced from Actual Surveys. / 1765. // Publish’d according to Act of Parliament, by Mary Ann Rocque Topographer to His Royal Highness the Duke of Gloucester, in the Strand. [1e, ob – 5e, ob] [London, 1763-] 1765
INDEX. [in 2 columns] / 1- 18 // [triple vertical rule] // 19-30.
Border: 123 x 166
1A PLAN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, REDUCED FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY, By T. Maerschalckm, 1763 [2a, ob – 4a, ob] P. Andrews Sculp. [1e, ob] Publish’d according to Act of Parliament by M.A. Rocque near Old Round Court in the Strand. [3e, ob] 1 [5a, ob]
[key] ‘A-I, K / L-T, V / X-Z, 1-5.’ [4a-5a]
[scale] ‘Scale of 1/4 of Mile or 1320 Feet’ – ‘700’ – [1500] (64mm) [4c]
Plan: 233 x 396State 2: with the plate number added; the date in the title has been changed to 1763.
2A PLAN / of the / CITY OF ALBANY. / Situated Lat. 42.o 30′ Long. 74.o’ [5a] 2 [5a, ob]
[note] with a Design for the better securing it by altering the ancient form of its Stockade adding a Ditch in Front defended by a Number of / Block houses with a Banquette within from which a double Fire of Musquetry can be made thro loop holes in the Stockade. [1a, ob – 5a, ob] Also a Design for a Magazine for Provisions, Barracks for to Compleat 1000 Men with a General Hospital for 400 Sick and a small / Quay for the Conveniency of Loading & Unloading the Vessels which will also serve for a Battery for 2 Guns to Command the River. [1e, ob – 5e, ob]
[scale] ‘Scale 60 Feet’ – ’60’ (46mm)
Plan: 120 x 160State 2: with the plate number added.
3PLAN of the TOWN / and FORTIFICATIONS / of / MONTREAL / or VILLE MARIE / in CANADA. [1a] 3 [5a, ob]
[key] ‘A-I, K-N.’ [4a/b – 5a/b]
[scale] ‘English Yards’ – ‘360’ (29mm) [4e]
Plan: 119 x 150State 2: with the plate number added.
4PLAN of the CITY / and FORTRESS of / LOUISBOURG, with the Attacks. [5a] 4 [5e, ob]
[key] ‘1-18’ [1b-1c]
[scale] [not given]
Plan: 119 x 149State 2: with the plate number added.
5PLAN OF QUEBEC, Reduc’d from an Actual Survey 1763. [2a, ob – 4a, ob] 5 [5a, ob]
[key] ‘References. / A-I.’ [1d]
[scale] [not given]
Plan: 122 x 164
Platemark: 137 x 180State 2: with the plate number added.
6A PLAN / of / FORT FREDERICK, / Situated at the / Entrance of S.t Johns River. / Lat 47.o Long. 66.o 30′. [1a] 6 [5a, ob]
[key] ‘Explanation. / A-F.’ [1b]
[scale] [not given]
Plan: 118 x 165State 2: with the plate number added.
7A PLAN of the TOWN of HALIFAX in NOVA SCOTIA. [2a, ob – 4a, ob] P. Andrews Sculp. [4e] 7 [5a, ob]
[key] ‘A-I.’ [5e]
[scale] ‘English Feet’ – ‘500’ – [1000] (37mm) [1e]
           ‘Echelle de Toises’ – ‘150’ (34mm) [3e]
Plan: 121 x 164State 2: with the plate number added, and the engraver’s name inserted.
8A PLAN / of / SCHENECTADY. / Situated Lat. 43. Long. 74. 30. [1a] 8 [5a, ob]
[key] ‘A-G.’ [2e-4e]
[scale] ‘Scale of 200 Yards to an Inch’ – ‘1000’ (40mm) [4a]
Plan:121 x 165
Platemark: 141 x 190State 2: with the plate number added.
9PLAN OF FORT NIAGARA, / with its ENVIRON. / Explanation. / A-D // [vertical rule] // E-H. / I. [5e] 9 [5a, ob]
[scale] Scale / 100 Fathoms to an Inch’ – ‘200’ (49mm) [2e]
Plan: 121 x 165State 2: with the plate number added.
10PLAN / of / Fort Frederick, / at / ALBANY. [3a] 10 [5a, ob]
Inset: ‘Section thro CD.’ [2b-4b]
         ‘A View of the South-East side of the Fort. [2e-3e]
[key] ‘A-B.’ [3d]
[scale] [not given]
Plan: 128 x 164State 2: with the plate number added.
11PLAN / OF THE FORT / at / TIENDEROGA / at / the HEAD of / Lake Champlain; / 1759. [1a] 11 [5a, ob]
[key] A-H / I, K-P, a. [1d-2d]
[scale] ‘Scale 400 Feet to an Inch’ [no units] (52mm) [2e-3e]
Plan: 122 x 164State 2: with the plate number added.
12PLAN OF / FORT STANWIX, / Built at / ONEIDA STATION, / By Provincial Troops, / in 1758. [4a] 12 [5a, ob]
Inset: ‘Plan of Magazine’ [2e]
[key] ‘Explanation.. A-D / E-G.’ [3e-5e]
[scale] ‘Scale for the Plan 50 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘250’ (43mm) [2a] 
‘NB. Hudsons River the Creek and Road is 100 Feet / to an Inch. [3d-4d]
Plan: 121 x 161State 2: with the plate number added.
13PLAN / of / FORT EDWARD. / Situated Lat. 43.o Lon. 72.o 30′. [5e] 13 [5a, ob]
[no key]
[scale] [not given]
Plan: 119 x 160State 2: with the plate number added.
14PLAN / of / PART OF FORT GEORGE, / with the Barracks &c. / Erected in the Year 1759. / Situated Lat 43.o Long 73.o 30′. [1e] 14 [5a, orb]
[key] ‘A, 1-3, B, / [B, cont] 6, 7.’ [1a, ob – 5a, ob]
[scale] ‘Scale 200 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘1200’ (76mm) [2a-4a]
Plan: 121 x 164State 2: with the plate number added.
15PLAN of the NARROWS / about 10 Miles from / NEW YORK. / [key] A.B.C.D.E. … [2d/e – 4d/e] 15 [5a, ob]
[scale] ‘1000 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘4000’ (49mm) [2a-4a]
Plan: 120 x 151State 2: with the plate number added.
16PLAN / of the / RETRENCH’D CAMP, / at / FORT LIGONIER. [1a] 16 [5a, orb]
[key] ‘Explanation. / A-D / E-H / I, K-N. [1e-4e]
[scale] ‘Scale of 100 Feet to one Inch’ – ‘300’ (28mm) [5d]
Plan: 120 x 164State 2: with the plate number added.
17Plan and Profile of Retrenched Work round Harkemeis house at y.e German Flats 1756. [2e, ob – 4e, ob] 17 [5a, orb]
[scale] – ’40 Feet’ (36mm) [1e]
Plan: 120 x 150State 2: with the plate number added.
18[‘FORT / BEDFORD’ and environs] [3d] 18 [5a, ob]
[no key]
[scale] ‘Scale of 300 Feet’ – ‘300’ (39mm) [5a]
Plan: 131 x 164
Plan: 131 x 164State 2: with the plate number added.
19SCETCH / of the / BLOCK HOUSE / at the East of / ONEDA LAKE. [1e] 19 [5a, orb]
[scale] ‘Scale of 100 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘500’ (62mm) [1a-2a]
Inset: ‘Elevation & Profile / of the Block house / through A.B.’ [3d]
         [scale] ‘Scale for the Elevation’ – ’50 Feet’ (46mm)
Plan: 119 x 151State 2: with the plate number added.
20A PLAN of the FORT / at / SARATOGA. / Lat. 43.o 20′ Long 73.o 30′. [5e] 20 [5a, orb] 20 [1e, ob, engraved upside down]
[no key]
[scale] ‘Scale 50 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘250’ (42mm) [4b]
Plan: 120 x 164State 2: with the plate number added.
21A PLAN of / Fort William Henry / and the / English Camps / & Retrenchments / with the / French different Camps / and Attack there upon. [1a]
[key] ‘A-B / [vertical rule] / C-D / [vertical rule] / E / [vertical rule] / F. / [vertical rule] / G-H.’ [1a, ob – 5a, ob] ‘I-K / [vertical rule] / [K, cont.], L / [vertical rule] / M-N / [vertical rule] / [N, cont.] / [vertical rule] / [N, cont.] O-P.’ [1e, ob – 5e, ob]
[scale] ‘A Scale of this Plan of 100 Yards’ – ‘700’ (65mm) [2e-4e]
Inset: [Untitled Plan Of The Fort] [5a]
Plan: 120 x 150State 2: with the plate number added.
22A PLAN of the / ROYAL BLOCK HOUSE, / with the Environs / at FORT EDWARD. [5a] 22 [5a, orb]
[scale] ‘Scale of 1200 Feet’ – ‘1200’ (53mm) [1e, ob – 2e, ob]
           ‘Scale of 20 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘130’ (35mm) [4e, ob – 5e, ob]
Inset: [‘ROYAL BLOCK / HOUSE’] [5e]
Plan: 120 x 150State 2: with the plate number added.
23PLAN / of the NEW / FORT AND REDOUBTS, / at / NEW CROWN POINT. [3a] 23 [5a, orb]
[no key]
[scale] ‘Scale for 100 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘400’ (58mm) [4e-5e]
Plan: 120 x 163State 2: with the plate number added.
24PLAN / OF / FORT FRONTENAC. [1a] 24 [5a, ob]
[key] A-I, K, L. [1b]
[scale] [not given]
Plan: 120 x 150State 2: with the plate number added.
25PLAN / OF THE NEW / FORTS & REDOUBTS, / at / CROWN POINT. / Explanation. / Corresponding with the General Plan. / A-B / [vertical rule] / C. / D. [3c/e – 5c/e]
[in three sections:] 
[a] D [The Light Infantry Fort] [1a/c – 3a/c] 25 [5a, ob]
     [scale] [no graduations, 17 units] (41mm) [2a]
[b] B [Grenadier Fort] [3a/c – 5a/c]
     [scale] ‘Scale of 40 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘170’ (41mm) [4a-5a]
[c] ‘C’ [Light Infantry of Regiments Fort] [1c/e – 3c/e]
     [scale] [not given]
Border: 120 x 165State 2: with the plate number added.
26[‘Fort / William / Henry.’] 26 [5a, ob]
[scale] ‘Scale to this Plan of the Fort’ – ‘400’ (101mm) [2a-5a]
Inset: ‘Section through A.B.’ [1d/e – 5d/e]
         [scale] ‘A Scale to the Profile’ – ‘110’ (83mm)
Plan: 156 x 111State 2: with the plate number added.
27SKETCH of the / STOCKADE FORT, / at / OSWEGO FALLS. [5a] P. Anbrows Sculp. [1a, ob, engraved upside down, the ‘d’ and ‘s’ of Andrews both engraved in reverse] 27 [5a, orb] 28 [1e, ob, engraved upside down]
[no key]
[scale] ‘Scale of 100 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘200’ [2b]
Plan: 120 x 151State 2: with the plate number added, and the engraver’s name inserted.
28A PLAN / of the / NEW FORT / at / PITTS-BURGH / or / DU QUESNE / Nov.r 1759. / Situated in Lat. 40.o 20′ Long 80.o [5a] 28 [5a, orb]
[key] ‘Explanation. / A-H. [5b-5d]
[scale] ‘Scale for the Plan’ – ‘600’ (55mm) [2d-2b]
Plan: 120 x 160State 2: with the plate number added.
29SKETCH of / FORT BREWERTON, / at the West End of / ONEDA LAKE. [5a] 29 [5a, orb]
[no key]
[scale] ‘Scale 100 Feet to an Inch’ – ‘300’ (40mm) [2a]
Plan: 120 x 149State 2: with the plate number added.
30PLAN of / FORT ONTARIO. [1a] P. Andrews Sculp. [4e, ob]  30 [5a, ob]
[key] 1-13. [5a-b]
[scale]  ‘Scale of 200 feet to an Inch’ – ‘1000’ (61mm) [1e-2e]
Plan: 119 x 164State 2: with the plate number added.
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